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Symrna Community Center powered by Symrna Church, was started back in 15, January 1992, by legendary evangelist Late. Pas. Sathiavasagam and his wife after their retirement from government services. But there hid a greater testimony as to what lead them to do this, where they should've been resting from all their tiresome work. But they believed that God had called them for a greater purpose. You can see the testimony coming up in the video gallery of this website. Though this had a lot to do with Jesus Christ, we are far from Christianity but closer to Christ. Because we keep the faith to being a lover of Christ than give credence to Christianity and its religious beliefs. We do not see ourselves being religious but metamorphose the likeness of Christ. 



We simply have the words of Jesus Christ as our Vision, Mission and Motto. Its simple at it reads in the Holy Bible, Matthew 28:18-20 (shortly known as the Great Commission). "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'"

Let us be simple in making things clear, the things we don't do. We do not forcefully attempt to change anyone's religious beliefs nor do we get any kind of financial or moral support from anyone to do so. Substantially we do not recieve any support from foreign countries or any organization. We only hopefully look out for volunteers who love Christ more than themselves, and we encourage them to share with others the love that transformed them. 


Our community of volunteers while being confronted by the society we live in, plug themselves to the Unlimited Power from THE WORD ( we call it the Holy Bible or the Scripture). Because we truly believe in THE WORD.  


"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" so it reads in Hebrews 11.1 Faith testimonies soon to follow here. Bookmark our page for soul stirring faith restoration.

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# 5/103, Moongilpadi 

Omalur T.K.

Salem - 636 012, South India

Symrna Community Center aims at reaching the unreached through the compassionate and loving hands of Jesus Christ. Glory be to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour who has enabled us to share the love of Cross to souls around us.


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